Privacy Policy


The information on this mobile application is provided by Ashok Leyland "as is" and to the extent permitted by law, is provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies.

The process of development is continuous with design changes hence Data, and procedures are likely to change. The possibility exists that the information may need to be updated as a result of modification adopted by the manufacturer at any time for reason of a technical or commercial nature. Relevant changes would be updated regularly.

While all care has been taken to illustrate the components as they look, due to constraints of standardizing the illustrations, variations may be there. The components shown in the illustration but not listed in part description column are not applicable for the respective assembly.

No information on this site shall constitute an invitation to invest in Ashok Leyland or any of its affiliates. Neither Ashok Leyland, nor their affiliates' officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising out of any access to or use of this site or any site linked to it, including, without limitation, any loss of profit, direct and indirect, incidental or consequential loss.

Intellectual Property

This mobile application is the exclusive property of Ashok Leyland. Any material that it contains, including, but not limited to, texts, data, graphics, 2D illustrations, 3D illustrations, pictures, sounds, videos, logos, icons or html code is protected under the intellectual property laws and remains as the Company (AL) or third party�s property.

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